Friday, 20 May 2016

Basic interview Questions

1.       Tell me a brief about a time you made a mistake?
2.       Do you anticipate or react to problems?
3.       Are you a risk taker or risk avoidant?
4.       Tell me why I should hire you?
5.       Tell me about a time that you make a very good decision?
6.       Tell us about a time that you made a poor decision?
7.       Tell us about a time that you fired someone from job?
8.       Tell me a time that you hired someone for a job vacancy?
9.       Tell me about a time that you failed to complete an assignment on  time?
10.   Tell me about a time that you found a solution that you can save the money of the company?
11.   Tell me about the time that you aimed high?
12.   Tell me about a time that you aimed low?
13.   Tell me about a time you made a great sale?
14.   Tell me about a time you went over budget?

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