Monday 16 November 2015

Interview Questions for managers

Managerial interview is always a tough one with a lot of targeted questions on management, control and leadership as well as problem management and solution.
This article will help you how to answers and provide the most successful ways of dealing with possible managerial questions that you may be asked in job interviews.
The following are some of the frequent asked question in the managerial job interview.
·         How do you motivate your employees or subordinates?
This is one of the major tasks that a manager performs in the line of his duties.  He has to ensure that all employees are working towards the common goal.
Keeping motivational level is tricky for task for every manager. You can speak about various strategies such as open communication environment, correspondence of company goals and persona goals of employees or benefits based on work results.

You can simply say that I try to solve issue of motivation individually with every single employees based on his problem. Communications often leads to solution.  
·         What makes you unique as a leader?
Everyone realizes the importance of leadership in organization. There are many managers but few leaders. And leaders of ten make difference between success and failures.
Present yourself inspirational, hardworking and always positively tuned leader. The interviewer will love you for that.
Remember, it I not enough for them to hear in your answers. They need to feel it from your presence in the  job interview.
·         What is the biggest management problem you face in your previous occupation?
We all face problem with budgets, subordinates and often with our selves.

The key to succeed here is to show the interviewers’ that for you there exists no problem. Just challenges.

Speak honestly, about the problems that you turned into challenges  in your past occupation. And of course continue with successful solution.

Monday 2 November 2015

How to Avoid Job Interview Mistakes

Most of job interview candidates miss the job of their dream which also lie in the line of their career due to job interview mistakes. Job Interview mistakes can cause you a lot of havoc in your career if are you are not careful about it.  These mistakes may always cause job interview failures if you have not avoided them.  

It is good to recover always from these kinds of situation by reviewing the mistakes you have done in every interview. Most of the job candidates try to forget about a bad interview situation they had and relief themselves about it stress.

 It is good to go back and review the common job interview mistakes that you make and seek solutions to it. Doing this will save you from interview failure in the future.

The big part of interview success in avoiding small mistakes that tarnishes your impression.  The common type of interview mistakes starts from your resume. Resume mistakes can have a great impact on your interview. Lying of a fake job experience will cause you a great havoc.  You either be caught at the job interview or at the reference confirmation check.

The following are the list of how to avoid common job interview mistakes.

1.      Dress well for the interview.

Many candidate fail to make a good impression to the employer by under dressing to the job interview. To avoid this interview mistake you have to dress professional to the job interview. Make good hand shake, eye contact, sitting upright and no tapping of your foot. Moreover that , avoid folding your hands on your chest.

2.      Sell yourself in the interview.

Do  not only answer question that you are asked but also show that what you can and what you have done about it, and achievements. Many job candidate make mistakes of answering the question asked just like “YES “or “No”.
Speak very confidently without shyness.  Tell why you are the right person for the position. What your strength and weakness are.
Keep your head up you are the man of the day. You are the steering person of the talk be very active. Remember employers don’t want to see dormant employers, be very participative.

3.      Talk around the job description.

Most of the employers pull down their job adverts after the date line keep one. As the job interview question comes hang around the skills, abilities and competence they need. Be familiar with the job description. Highlight how you are suited to the position.

4.      Do your homework well.

Do some research on the company .don’t just go to interview with our preparation of how to answer the common questions. Get to know what the work you are required of is and what the company does.

5.      Have some questions to ask.

Job candidates that don’t ask questions are deemed as not interested candidates. Interested students always curious and want ask. Likewise job interview prepare some two to three questions t ask the interviewer.When answering also give it with example.

Remember mistakes job interview are always stress. It is symptom of job interview failure to avoid. 

Sunday 1 November 2015

How To Answer Salary Expectation Question in Job Interview.

How are you going to answer if you are posed with the question of what is your salary expectation? Actually is a tough interview question which is also tricky to answer it. It may cost you the job if you don’t carefully approach to answer this kind of interview questions.

Interviewer may ask you such kind of question when they have interest in you to employ. It is very tough and tricky to answer this type of interview question. To answer this common interview questions you need to be prepared. You must have done research on the company or organization pay scale for the position you have applied for.

The interviewer will want to hear what is your expectation even if you say “I don’t know”. They will ask you approximately how much you are expecting to get from this position.

Most of the employers try to see your personality by answering these questions. They want see who is the real person in you. If you mention a higher salary payment, it will signals to the employer that you are after money and you can do everything to get that desired level of money. Which will eventually led to corruption and theft of the organization property.

If you mention a lower salary expectation, the employer will still think that you are incompetent and desperate person who is ready to work for any pay. They will start doubting your skills and abilities after passing all those tough interview questions.

 The best answer to this question can be stating a salary that is paid to that position in the industry. This impresses the hiring person that you are well prepared and done your interview preparation research well.

If you don’t know how much is salary paid for the vacancy, you can do two things.

1.      Mention an average salary or a range such as $ 2000 and explain why you choose to be given that amount.

 Example “I expect to be paid the amount of salary paid to the same line officers in the organization but I need an average of $2000 because, I have to pay $ 1000 for my rentals and my school fees. $ 500 for my personal expenses, $ 250 for my parents’ bill and $ 250 to save in case for emergency need arises.

2.       Negotiate with them.

Sample answer “we can agree on the salary if you are sure am the right person for the position. “

If you were previously working and taking another job, you should view in seconds the range of salary you received in your previous employment and give an average of that.
But it is always advisable to mention the amount of a salary paid at that company or a salary that is close to that.