Monday 7 September 2015

Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers.

Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers.
Project manager interview questions are basically on project management. As the name suggests, the position is mainly is responsible for the management of the budget, scheduling, planning, organizing. Procurement of materials and implementation of projects.
As a potential candidate or applicant for the position of project management, you should at least have some experience in management of projects or program. You should have an experience in communication and management of employees. Since the position is not a direct control of the activities, you  a good leadership skills to delegate and assign work to other employees.
In addition to that, team work and employees motivations are a desired quality that the project manager should possess. You should have skills in technical, financial, proposal writing, budgeting and, policy development.
Generally, most of the project management interview question will compose on the skills, Knowledge, experience and qualities required for a good project manager. The interviewer will always ask you these questions in form of behavioral questions and common interview questions.
The major skills and strengths that a project manager requires include the following:
Management skills, leadership’s ability, employee’s motivation, prioritization of task or projects, decision making ability, good communication skills, analytical thinker, multitasking and good problem solver.
The following are some of the interview question that is frequently asked in program interview question.  These questions applied to all management position that include project officer, product manager,
·        What are the previous projects that you have worked before?
·        What are the challenges that you have faced experienced in your previous project managed?
·        What is the most disappointing thing that you have had in your previous job?
·        What type of task have you delegated?
·        What are your duties and responsibilities as program manager?
·        How do you manage the work of sick employee who is on leave?
·        What project management tool do you know?
·        What is the last project proposal that you have prepared?
·        Can you tell me how to mitigate a probable project risk that you know?

How do you ensure there is a smooth team work at work place.

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